Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tuna Fried in Bacon Grease

Problem: You've just cooked a pound of bacon in a grill pan and now have a bunch of bacon grease at the perfect temperature...if only I had something else to cook using all that delicious-tasting oil.

Solution: Thaw one frozen tuna steak in the microwave and, at the lowest possible temperature fry in the bacon grease-laden grill pan.

I wasn't sure how this would taste, but I figured anything coated in bacon fat must taste good, and it ended up tasting great. I'll definitely do it again, although next time I'll be more patient and flip the tuna steak less. Some of the outside of the steak ended up with a nice crispy coating, which of course was the best part.

Image (of plush bacon) from Flickr user Sappymoosetree available under a Creative Commons license

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