Friday, August 15, 2008

Refrigerator User Experience Captured Perfectly By Area Newspaper

The Onion is so good at capturing subtle details of everyday life, which for some reason are very funny when they're simply pointed out. A great example is this article about a guy that rearranged his whole refrigerator to accommodate a bucket of chicken. I love this part:

Upon finding room for the bucket, Browning discovered he still had a surplus of food items with no place to be stored, even after he transferred a loaf of white bread and an apple to the freezer. He initially contemplated flipping the quarts of milk and orange juice on their sides, but ultimately decided the risk of spilled liquid was too great. Instead, Browning was able to create a minimal amount of room by folding in half a pizza box containing a single slice left over from three nights ago.

According to sources, Browning at one point went so far as to drink the remaining half of a two-liter bottle of Pepsi in an ill-fated attempt to free up space in the refrigeration unit's side-door soda caddy.

"Everything kept sliding under the bar, though," Browning said. "I could hear everything fall out when I shut the door. I think because it's slanted."

Browning said his biggest breakthrough occurred when he finally began to fully utilize the dairy compartment by filling it with smaller food items, including part of a lime, a small stack of white Kraft Singles, and a Ziploc bag of ground beef. In addition, Browning was able to find a home in the vegetable crisper for the box of KFC biscuits from last month.

I hate when you finally get everything arranged just perfectly, and then you go to close the door and a bottle of something slides underneath the bar...Brilliant!

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